Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Shanghai Calling

City fo Sound is a great blog at the above link...Some really nice observations about contemporary Shanghai. Also a few links to work I really admire alot.

The work of Sze Tsung Leong is truly great and inspires me. If we are talking innovation then these images tell a story we should all be reading :) Powerful stuff!

I loved this reference to Koolhaas on Chinese cities:

"The Chinese city is for me a city that has built up a lot of volume in a very short time, which therefore doesn't have the slowness that is a condition for a traditional sedimentation of a city, which for us is still the model for authenticity. Beyond a certain speed of construction that kind of authenticity is inevitably sacrificed, even if you build everything out of stone and authentic materials, and that's a kind of irony. For instance, if you look at the color of the stone of the new Berlin, it's the color of all the worst plastics that were produced in East Germany in the 1960s. It's kind of a weird color of pink, a weird color of light yellow ..., they're artificial. There is no escaping the artificial in the new architecture, and certainly not in large amounts of architecture being generated at the same time."

I never tired of the above view from our apartment in Shanghai. For me it formed an endlessly fascinating - like Sze Tsung Leong's pictures of destruction/creation/transformation.


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