Sunday, August 21, 2005

Breaking down experiences

I have a friend who always says "Break it down buddy!" when asking someone to examine a situation...

By empathising with the people who will be using a service to the extent that we look at the whole context of that use, we can gain insight into the experience.

It is actually something I have been coming to terms with for some time now in relationship to my interests [and consequent projects] in the area of developing e-education within the context of design studies. In 2000 I was asking the question "What would kids in China make of the resources we are developing?"

I know the answer to that now because I went to China to find out.They want experiences not interfaces...

Now in 2005 I'm asking why is the user buying this product/service? What is their life like? How do people integrate this product into their life? How does it feel to use this service?

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