Monday, January 09, 2006

New year | New challenges

The past month or so since my last post has been a period of much required recuperation from the past year. Not only this, it has signalled a need for change in my professional and personal life. Fortunately, in that timely manner that the universe often displays, new opportunities have presented themselves.

So, for me 2006 means a new location, new job and a new and role that from all appearances shows a lot of promise for the future. I'm confident that this represents a reconnection with creativity and practice - something that I have, despite my apparent prolific activity, felt was slipping to the background subsumed by relentless and ineffective administrative bureacracy.

I will elaborate on the details of all this a little further on - the real reason for this post is to get in the swing of it again. I always find that a holiday takes one to a place where it is difficult to get started again.

Here's to 2006 - I hope it is a good one for everyone...